eXo space strategy . Conquer the galaxy in real-time!
NOTE: this game is still in beta testing, so expect some bugs. Im working on polishing everything and adding more maps/features. Work is slow, though, as I am doing this in my limited spare time.
The year is 4096 and all hell just broke loose. Xenophobia got the upper hand, and now all races in the known galaxy are at war. Cruisers are cruising, lasers are blasting and aliens are screaming. There is no surrender, only extermination or victory!
- action-oriented space strategy
- easy to control, easy to learn to play
- emergent, challenging AI
- many different sectors to conquer, from tiny to huge, offering many different challenges
- difficulty setting ranging from easy to extreme (aka impossible)
- friendly for your privacy & wallet: this app does not gather personal information and is 100% free
How to play this game:
- you are the green empire
- all of your (green) stars will produce ships
- move ships by tapping a star (this will select the star) and tapping a destination star
- drag the slider to the right to move more or fewer ships
- when a star is selected it will show its infrastructure (top blue bar) and ship production (white bar) status
- higher infrastructure speeds up ship production
- build a starbase to speed up production and incoming ships, also adds a little defense
- conquer all stars to win the game!
Needs at least 800 x 480 display resolution.
- أُووبس. Somehow managed to upload a version with the main menu disabled. مُثَبَّت.
- Beta release with basic gameplay and a small set of maps implemented
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